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Apply for admin example

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Apply for admin example Empty Apply for admin example

Post  YOKOH4M4 Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:19 pm

Player Name: Moon of solution

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:141515

Why you want to be admin: Sometimes I'm on the server and I just wish to myself that there was an admin to mute/kick/ban people who just come on the server to annoy people. I could make a small difference and more people would enjoy their small time on the server.

What would you bring to the admin team: I wouldn't just be admin by name but I would be admin by nature, ie. i would be active on
the server and in using (not abusing) my powers to make the server more fun for everyone.

Any experience with admining servers: I was admin in two servers , i know most of many admin plugin commands .

Anything else you want to add: If you think you need another admin on the server, im this one Smile
General of Army
General of Army

Antal indlæg : 38
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 34
Geografisk sted : France


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